Investment Planning Process


Investment Selection process

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Our Investment Philosophy

Before entering into a partnership, it is crucial for our clients to be aligned with our fundamental investment philosophy. Our approach is rooted in the principle that asset allocation is the most significant factor influencing overall performance. We achieve diversification through the strategic inclusion of multiple asset classes, diverse management styles, and a range of institutional investment managers' methodologies.
A key characteristic shared by our investment managers is their ability to manage downside risk. We prioritize reducing potential losses during market downturns, even if this strategy means not capturing the full upside during rapidly rising markets. While diversification does not guarantee profits or shield against all losses, it plays a key role in risk mitigation. This balance between risk and potential return is integral to the design of our model investment portfolios.
Investors often focus on short-term outcomes during market turbulence, but these have minimal impact on the long-term success of a well-structured investment strategy. In our model portfolios, we meticulously allocate stocks, bonds, and other asset classes to enable our clients to pursue their objectives without exceeding their risk tolerance. We assert that asset allocation through diversification is more impactful than individual security selection and market timing. We consistently evaluate new investment opportunities and reassess existing ones as market conditions evolve, prioritizing those that meet our stringent criteria for attractive risk-adjusted returns and wealth preservation. We rigorously monitor our model portfolios, rebalancing them quarterly to maintain strategic alignment.

Investing Evolved

Investing Evolved was designed to allow more equity exposure in your portfolio with updatedrisk management techniques to provide a steadier experience during times of market stress.


Core Markets

Provides exposure to growth in domestic and global economies. Invests in core market exposure.


Tactical Strategies

Provides supplemental returns through active management. Enhanced return focused and limit loss focus.


Diversifying Strategies

Helps manage equity risk, particularly during times of steep market declines. Equity alternatives and bonds and bond alternatives

Core Markets

Why: Participation in economic growthWhat: Broad market exposure mainly stock and bondsWhat to Expect: Performance that will rise and fall with the market with deep declines on occasion.

Tactical Strategies

Enhanced ReturnWhy: Take advantage of alpha opportunitiesWhat: Focused strategy attempting to beat an index, typically equitiesWhat to Expect: Seeks excess returns relative to broad market index
LImit LossWhy: Limit participation in large, extended drawdownsWhat: Dynamic equity exposure driven by discrete signalsWhat to Expect: Seeks to limit losses in extended downturns, lagging returns in sudden market rebounds

Diversifying Strategies

Equity AlternativesWhy: Manage equity risk with high return impact, especially in market crisesWhat: Trend-following managed futures, taking long and short positionsWhat to Expect: Works to provide market crisis alpha; can lag equities for long periods
Bonds & Bond AlternativesWhy: Manage equity risk with low return impactWhat: Bonds and other low-volatility strategiesWhat to Expect: Help dilute risk during time of market stress